Monday, August 1, 2011

A Dream Fulfilled

A year ago, while on the way down from Seoul to spend my second summer teaching English at a summer camp in South Korea, I made a big decision.  I was going to finally pursue a long-time dream of mine to travel around the world.  And I was going to start while I was still 30.  Over the next year, I did my best to save my money, research all of the travel possibilities and requirements, get all of the necessary vaccinations and medications and find someone to take over my apartment for a year.  With the amazing support, though admitted concern of my family and friends, I pulled everything together at the last minute.

Then just over a week ago, three weeks shy of my 31st birthday, my dream finally came true.  I flew once again to South Korea to teach English for a month and make some extra money before embarking on the rest of my adventure.  At the end of August I'll be taking off on my own for a 360° spin of the globe.  You're welcome to come along for the ride.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen; I am very impressed and proud that my niece is such an adventurer. We just might have another Rick Steves in the offering. Congratulations on the adventure of a lifetime have a wonderful journey and enjoy a very Merry Christmas, The aging Pilgrim. Love Russ
