Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Camp Carnival

Today was carnival day once again at camp.  The kids all sell used items at a flea market and the teachers act as "carnies" running games that the kids can play to win a prize.  It's supposed to be a nice, easy, fun day that is a break from the normal grinding routine.  However, it inevitably ends up being complete chaos with the students running around yelling and tripping over themselves to buy the "hot items" before anyone else gets to them first.  I have to admit that I am rather glad it's over.

After work, I finally got the chance to go for a short run around campus for the first time since I arrived.  I feel like I've been so busy that I haven't had any chance to exercise.  In addition to my 12-hour-a-day camp duties, I agreed to take over one of my co-worker's twice-a-week private lesson with a group of engineering graduate students for the month.  It's a good way to earn some extra pocket money, but it leaves me pretty exhausted on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Since we had a shorter day today, it was great to get a work out in after dinner.  I have to admit, though, that it's really nice not to have the pressure of training for the marathon on top of everything else this year.  At least if I don't get the chance to run, I know it's not going to bite me in the butt somewhere down the line.

Before I left for Korea, I spoke to my most recent employer about the possibility of working a bit as I travel, casting for TV show I had been helping to produce about people making international moves.  I think one of my English co-workers and his Spanish wife might actually make a good fit for the program.  I have yet to approach them about the possibility, but the wife has a background in film production so she may actually be up for it.  Within the next week or so, I'll have to bring up the idea just to see what they think.

Tomorrow morning it's back to the normal camp routine.  The good news is that this week has been flying by so soon we'll be almost halfway through the four weeks.  Hopefully there will be something fun to do this weekend (and by weekend, I mean the one day we get off on Sunday.)  For now, it's definitely time to head off to bed.

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